Archive for February, 2009

99 Things you should have already experienced…

February 25, 2009

Greg Rutter has put together a list of the most viral things ever to have graced the internets with their presence.  And according to him your a loser if you haven’t seen them


I can proudly say that I’ve seen a good 90% of these things.  I’m interested in how much of this stuff you guys have witnessed so hit up the poll below.


WoW 3.1

February 24, 2009

I’m about to head to work but before I do i figured I’d throw up the patch notes for the new World of Warcraft patch, 3.1, that went live on the public test realms this morning. Check them all out after the break… (more…)

Mirror’s Edge 2D

February 24, 2009

The Mirror’s Edge 2D Beta has come….and gone.  The official site where you can play the game has been down for quite a while now due to the popularity and eventual server giving way.    But do not fear, you can get your hands on the new levels and time trials in no time, or so i hope…


*Update:  So the server is back up and the game is once again playable for all of you parkour fans out there.  Faith goes to extremes to get challengly placed bags and evidence in the three levels.  The only enemy contact i encountered was a machine gunner in one of the buildings (which had to be entered through the top of the building through a broken skylight) but other than that it’s a smooth sailing game in a world all by your lonesome.  If you haven’t given this short, fast-paced game a try, it’s worth a peek and a quick play through.

Turn off the fucking mic!

February 21, 2009

This is a hilarious skit that all gamers can relate with.  The Call of Duty community, and the FPS community in general, is notorious for being a gathering point for idiots and foul mouthed heathens.  The Whitest Kids U’Know poke fun at a situation everyone has probably been in at one point or the other….

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Pretty funny.


PS3 Gone Mad

February 18, 2009

Properly titled ‘Homicide’, this custom Playstation 3 mod appears to have committed some unsightly crime.


This is one of many custom PS3 mods that have been created, including the PS3 laptop (which is fully functional and weighs in at a leg numbing 16 pounds).  More accessories and peripherals are still to come with this blood stained design.  Check out some more PS3 mods here.


Entering Ulduar

February 18, 2009

Finally Blizzard drops some info about the hugely anticipated patch 3.1 for World of Warcraft!  And it seems like its going to be everything we’ve all been hoping for.  There is a short article that reveals a bit of info about the giant raid instance, Ulduar, that will be included in that patch.  Check it out!


The Formal Gamer

February 15, 2009

Suits are nice but they all generally look the same.  The tie is the component of the outfit that you can use to still represent yourself.  Cartoon characters, sports team logos or just wacky colors and designs have made appearances on the neck tie.  Well now gamers have a way to express themselves…

These 8-bit ties represent those retro games we all know and love!  I mean come on, what gamer wouldn’t love to sport Tetris or Space Invaders on their tie?  The only way these can get even better is if they become actually playable.  These are on sale on Amazon right now from $35.00 to $24.95 so if your interested this would be the time to grab one or all of them.


iPhone Fun

February 15, 2009

A short article by the folks over at Wired about the top ten games for you iPhone


I’ve played a couple of these and they are pretty fun.  Word Warp, Topple and iShoot are quick and challenging enough to keep you playing but not enough to cause you to fling your iPhone across the room.  I’m a huge Risk fan so I would love to get my hands on Lux Touch, which is essentially the same idea just a little watered down.  Galcon also looks like it would be good time.


Escape From City 17

February 15, 2009

The following video is directed by David and Ian Purchase, aka. The Purchase Brothers. The Purchase Brothers are based out of the Sons and Daughters production company in Toronto. I’ve never been that huge of a Half Life fan, having never played any of the games myself.  I have however witnessed them played through multiple times by friends of mine and so I know the story and can appreciate this fan video.

“The Escape From City 17 short film series is an adaptation based on the Half Life computer game saga by Valve Corporation. Originally envisioned as a project to test out numerous post production techniques, as well as a spec commercial, it ballooned into a multi part series. Filmed guerilla style with no money, no time, no crew, no script, the first two episodes were made from beginning to end on a budget of $500.”


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500 Bucks!  Are you kidding me!?  Am I the only person that thinks this looks pretty damn good for that little amount of cash?  Good god, if Valve doesn’t help push for these guys to turn this into a feature length film they are nuts.  For now though we’ll all just have to sit and wait for Escape From City 17 – Part Two….


God of War III

February 13, 2009

I’m not gonna waste your time with some long winded talk about how sweet this is.  Enjoy…

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I must get a PS3 for this!
