Posts Tagged ‘World of Warcraft’

Been a while…

December 12, 2009

So it’s been a while since our last post.  For anyone following this page, well, i’m sure you’ve moved on.  But guess what??   We’re back!!  For how long you ask?  Your guess is as good as ours.

Well to get back in the swing of things, I’ll start out with the most recent video game experiences, which would have to be the new content in World of Warcraft.  Patch 3.3 dropped this past Tuesday.  Patch notes can be found here.  Three new dungeons and a new raid have dropped with this patch, with the new raid eventually leading to a fight to end the Lich King once and for all (atleast until the raid reset).  But we won’t even get to see the Lich King for quite some time, as Blizzard is to release new bosses in the raid periodically, with the next set of bosses to be released in a little less than one month.   Also, if you haven’t played in a while, and wish to be a part of the the fal of the Lich King, gearing up for the new content is easy as pie with the new patch.  So what are you waiting for???

Let’s see if I can keep up with posting entries on the site regularly again.  Or even convince the other posters on the site to do the same.  More to come in the next couple days.


Blizzard Chess

March 30, 2009

Pretty hilarious parody of birth and development of World of Warcraft….

The Patch Notes


WoW 3.1

February 24, 2009

I’m about to head to work but before I do i figured I’d throw up the patch notes for the new World of Warcraft patch, 3.1, that went live on the public test realms this morning. Check them all out after the break… (more…)

Entering Ulduar

February 18, 2009

Finally Blizzard drops some info about the hugely anticipated patch 3.1 for World of Warcraft!  And it seems like its going to be everything we’ve all been hoping for.  There is a short article that reveals a bit of info about the giant raid instance, Ulduar, that will be included in that patch.  Check it out!


This makes me want to hurt people!

February 5, 2009

Being a WoW player, and a pretty dedicated one at that, I hate when the media portrays MMOs as life destroying digital demons.  Not every person that plays them is a basement dwelling, pale skinned, no life failure.  In fact there are some pretty succesful and popular WoW players.  I could say a lot about this subject but lets save that for another day.  This video right here might actually piss me off more than the afformentioned press exposure.  Enjoy the cringe fest….

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “”, posted with vodpod

Ok.  Now that you’ve seen the video….

If that dude was in my guild I would never let him live it down, haha.



January 10, 2009

I’m not necessarily a “fan” of machinima but I don’t hate it.  However, this one blows my mind.  It is without a doubt the best looking machinima I have ever seen.  For those of you who are asking yourselves, “what the hell is machinima?” let me explain.  Actually….  No I’m not gonna explain because I don’t feel like it.  Let me point you here instead….  The Machinima Faq!!!.  That should answer any questions you have on the subject.

Check this shit out…

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “BLIND“, posted with vodpod

First Screenshots of Wrath

November 19, 2008


It has been difficult to get online since I’m currently without my own computer, but I’ve finally managed to get the first comic up. You can check it out clicking on it above or by following the link to it under the pages column on the right.

As most of you probably know, the long awaited second expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, to World of Warcraft was released last Thursday at 12:00 am. Since then there have been lots of complaints about server queues, lagginess and disconnects, aka the usual “perks” that come with a MMO expansion. I myself have experienced these problems but not nearly to the degree that others have.

Of course I’m going to do a review of the game, however I’m not gonna do one mass review of the expantion as a whole. Rather I’m going to review individual pieces of the game one at a time so that I can put the work and thought into it that it deserves. The first post will be coming in the next day or two but right now let me just say… Blizzard has out done themselves.

On another note I’m gonna have a review of another recently released game posted sometime this week. This review however won’t be written by me but instead by a friend and fellow gamer. I hope to be incorporating many more bloggers in the near future to bring you more reviews, opinions and views on a variety of different subjects.

My new computer should be arriving in the next week or so which will make it so I can get on a regular schedule of blog and comic posts.


Laptop FTL

November 12, 2008

So I attempted atleast four separate times over the course of a couple days to write an explanation for my absence but the reason for that absence continues to plague me.  The cord for my laptop has almost completely died.  I can get it to work if i screw with it for 30 min or so but after that any movement or interaction with the cord causes the computer to immediately turn off.  So anyways that’s the deal.  I’m writing this post from a computer at my father’s house.  Hopefully I’ll be getting a brand new desktop within the next few weeks.  This laptop issue struck at the worst possible moment.  I had the first comic ready to post and the next few following that.  Unfortunately those are now essentially obsolete considering that their subject matter is 3 or so weeks old.  I’m debating on posting them anyways, but right now I’m focusing on catching up and keeping up while working through the lack of computer.

Obviously the big news in the game community is the release of Wrath of the Lich King in just over twenty four hours.  I will be attending the midnight release at the Gamestop in Graceland (after i attend the Eastern Conference Final between the MASSIVE Columbus Crew and Shitcago) to pick up my copy.  I unfortunately am slated to work Thursday, Friday and the whole weekend, but I’m gonna try to get enough play time to give a decent review of the release version of the game.  Having played the beta I know generally what to expect but I did manage to keep my questing to a very small amount and so I’m pleased that the experience will still be mainly new for me.  I’m out for now, hopefully I’ll see some of you in Northrend!


ps. I’m a huge soccer fan.  So while this blog is mainly intended to provide thoughts, opinions and reviews of video games, movies, comics, etc. (aka nerd things) you may also occasionally catch me sticking in a post about my beloved Columbus Crew or my second love West Ham United.